Join our Loyalty Club and start enjoying exclusive benefits!

As a member of our loyalty club, you will have access to exclusive discounts and benefits when booking your apartment.

6 Reasons to join our club

  • Late check-out (subject to availability)

Do you need some extra rest? Want to stay for lunch and then continue your trip? Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy a few more hours in our accommodation with our Late Check-Out service (subject to availability). You can request it at the time of booking or ask our staff during your stay.

  • Early Check-in (subject to availability)

Make the most of your stay in our apartments with our Early Check-In service! Are you arriving early in the city and don’t know what to do with your luggage until check-in time? Do you want to rest a bit before starting to explore what the city has to offer? With our Early Check-In service, you can access your room before the standard check-in time. Request the Early Check-In service when making your reservation. We look forward to welcoming you!

  • Upgrade to Superior Category

Our superior category apartments offer you more space and brightness, allowing you to enjoy your stay with maximum comfort. By booking with us, we automatically upgrade your category without any additional cost.

All for the same price!

  • Exclusive Discount

Are you planning your next trip?

At URBI Apartments, we offer you a special discount on your reservation. By booking directly with us, you can enjoy an exclusive rate and save on your accommodation. In addition, by booking with us, we guarantee you the best available online rate.

  • Luggage storage service

Looking for a safe and comfortable place to store your luggage, bicycles during your stay? At URBI Apartments, we offer a luggage storage service so that you can keep your belongings safe.

  • Free cancellation up to 12 hours before check-in time.

Whether it’s a medical emergency, a change in your travel plans, or any other unexpected situation, with our last-minute cancellation guarantee, you can cancel your reservation on the morning of your arrival date without any issues (for cancellations made before 12 am).